
Each one of us speaks in our own unique language, and act in their own way, in their own quest. I wanted to be in a world where people speak in their own words and act in their own way, in their own quest. This is what KnitCafe does.

Language learning in which each individual discovers and demonstrates his or her own strengths. Workshops that stimulate inquisitiveness and curiosity.

ブロック + 英語学習=

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®メソッドと教材を活用した英語学習。探究心や好奇心を刺激して、ひとりひとりが自らの力を見つけ発揮します。レゴ®シリアスプレイ®は、会議の常識を根底から覆し、大企業からベンチャーまで、そして教育や医療の分野で様々に貢献している手法です。

We go on Learning. No more 20:80 meetings. It’s 100:100! In the world of neuroscience, we are beginning to discover the pitfalls of old and trusted ways of schooling. One-way teaching, often thought of as being an act of “preaching”, may be good in passing on uniform information to the masses in a short time. But if that’s all your teacher is capable of doing, i.e. no more than what an mp3 player does, “we don’t need no education”, really.


We go on Learning. No more 20:80 meetings. It’s 100:100! In the world of neuroscience, we are beginning to discover the pitfalls of old and trusted ways of schooling. One-way teaching, often thought of as being an act of “preaching”, may be good in passing on uniform information to the masses in a short time. But if that’s all your teacher is capable of doing, i.e. no more than what an mp3 player does, “we don’t need no education”, really.